Request a quoteHave questions? Get in touch! Name Phone Email Address Subject Preferred Contact time —Please choose an option—MorningsLunchtimeAfternoonOther/ Please Specify What type of renovation are you interested in? —Please choose an option—Complete House RenovationMain BathroomEnsuite BathroomKitchenLaundryOther (please specify) What is your budget range for this renovation? —Please choose an option—$10,000 - $20,000$20,000 - $30,000$30,000 - $40,000Over $50,000 Would you like us to supply all items required for this renovation, e.g. windows, vanity, bathtub, shower screen, tiles etc.? Do you have a preferred start date for your renovation project? —Please choose an option—Within the next month1-3 months3-6 monthsMore than 6 months Have you already obtained quotes from other contractors? —Please choose an option—YesNo Please provide a brief description of your renovation project and any specific requirements or preferences: Are you a Homeowner or Contractor/Designer? —Please choose an option—HomeownerContractor/Designer What is the address of the property to be renovated? How did you hear about our services? —Please choose an option—Referral/FriendOnline SearchSocial MediaAdvertisementOther (please specify)